About me

Professor James Stanworth.

James Stanworth is faculty in the Department of Business at National Changhua University of Education, in Taiwan R.O.C. James received his D.Phil. from the University of Buckingham in the UK. He spent a number of years as a business consultant concerned with the design and improvement of service in enterprise partnerships. After relocating to Taiwan he moved into academia and focused his research on understanding design and delivery of service to Chinese customers.

Field of interest

His specific interest lies with constructing the meanings Chinese customers give to service quality, technology adoption and employee motivation towards service. His work appears in Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Computers and Education, Computers in Human Behaviour, Service Business, International Journal of Market Research, Production, Planning and Control, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics and The Journal of Quality. Local data collection and experiences in the China region are documented at the Chinese Consumer Connection Website.