Getting Started  
Class link The link for our online class is:

Syllabus This introduces the class, lists the reading, and describes the structure of the course assessment.

download here

Mini-introduction Please complete the mini-introduction on the cloud. Save the file as [your_name].
Course projects This course is based on a series of presentations that you give. We will discuss the brief for each.

download brief 1 here

download part 2 here

download brief 3 here

download brief 4 here

download brief 5 here

Peer assessment In class we carry out group-on-group feedback. Download the template for feedback here. See the instructions for use of the template.

download the feedback form here

download the instructions here

Getting Ahead   Project examples Each example includes the group project, the presentation files and my comments and feedback. Read look at these examples and learn from them. How will your project be better?
example 1 example 2 example 3
Getting Seen   Photos See previous classes here. Click on the photo to download. See who you recognize. Let them give you word-of-mouth information to help you decide if you want to participate in the class.
Getting Feedback  

Upload Use this space to upload your class projects. Please only use lower case for file names. Do not use special characters, like apostrophe ('), slash (/ ), quotation marks (") or Chinese characters. You can use RAR or ZIP for multiple files.

Feedback Below are your projects with my feedback. Please e-mail me if you have comments or questions.

Presentation 1

Group 2 - Leo Fans Club2.mp4Group 3 - Deloitte.mp4
Group 4 - Starlux.mp4P1 Happy Panda.pdf
P1 Leo fans club.pdfP1 Little prince .pdf
P1 Sandy's fan club.pdf

Presentation 2

Another Sandy Fans Club.mp4Happy Panda.mp4
Leo Fans Club.mp4Little Prince.mp4
P2 Another Sandy fans club.docxP2 Happy Panda.docx
P2 Leo fans club.docxP2 Little Prince.docx
Plan-Leo fans club js.docxPlan-Little Prince.pdf
Plan_Another Sandy's fans club js.docxPlan_Happy panda js.docx

Presentation 3

Feedback Another Sandy's fans club.docxFeedback Happy Panda.docx
Feedback Leo's fan club.docxFeedback Little Prince.docx
G1_Sandy Fans Club.mp4G2_LeoFansClub.mp4

Presentation 4

P4 Another Sandy fans club.docxP4 Happy Panda.docx
P4 Leo fans club.docxP4 Little Prince.docx

Presentation 5 FINAL

G4_LittlePrince.mp4Happy Panda.docx
Leo fans club.docxLittle prince.docx

Getting Class Materials  

Reference Take a look at these videos or read these files. They are part of our class. These files are big. Use a fast connection to download! The VLC player is useful as it handles many formats. It is found here..

Class 2

DDR_setting-up.pdf Layout-1.mp4
Layout-2.mp4 Layout-3.mp4
Layout-4.mp4 Layout-5.mp4
WB2_layout.docx link.docx

Class 4

DDR Audience.pdf Ian_on_presentation.pdf
Introduction-audience-1.mp4 Introduction-audience-2.mp4
Introduction-audience-3.mp4 Introduction-audience-4.mp4

Class 5

Content-1.mp4 Content-2.mp4
Content-3.mp4 Content-4.mp4
Content-5.mp4 Gates_windows_live_2005.mp4
Jobs_iphone_introduction.flv WB5_Comparing presenters.docx

Class 6


Class 7

Signals-1.mp4 Signals-2.mp4
Signals-3.mp4 Signals-4.mp4
Signals-5.mp4 WB5_signals.pdf

Class 10

Atkinson and Mayer.pdf Media-design-1.mp4
Media-design-2.mp4 Media-design-3.mp4
Media-design-4.mp4 Media-design-5.mp4

Class 11


Class 13


Class 14

Concluding-1.mp4 Concluding-2.mp4
Concluding-3.mp4 Part-1-Decker_on_endings.pdf
Part-2-The_basis_of_endings.pdf Part-3-Ideas_for_structuring_the_close.pdf

Class 16

Handling questions pt 1.mp4 handling questions.pdf
handling questions 1 2022 v2.mp4
Giving Feedback  

Give feedback Feedback helps improve classes. This is not connected with your grade. It is anonymous. Thank you for your input. Click here to complete the form and click "submit".